Not long ago a friend asked: “How can you be so grateful for your life after everything that happened to you?” I said, “Well honestly, I wasn’t always grateful, I hated that I was a survivor of incest and sexual assault. I was ashamed of my past, and I was stuck in anger for so many years. But I grew tired of being ashamed of crimes I did not commit. I was tired of being angry and depressed. I wanted to live a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous life.”
It was a wonderful conversation and what I wish to share with you today as I did with my friend, that it was a magnificent day when I had a profound shift in the way I thought about my past. I realized that I am not responsible for what happened to me as a child, but now as an adult, I am responsible for how the rest of my life unfolds.
You and I have nothing to be ashamed of! We can make the choice to stay stuck in “their” shame or rise above it and create the life we want!
Why should you and I remain stuck in shame for crimes that we are not responsible for? We didn’t do the crime so why should we do the time?
The moment everything changed,
When I traded the expectation of my life,
to an appreciation for my life!
You may or may not be in a place of gratitude at this moment. If so great! If not and you need a boost, I encourage you to focus on the following. Think about the courage it took to survive during and after your trauma. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, or the negative events, this is key. Your thoughts create the reality you want. Get a journal (if you need one check out the journal sur-THRIVERS are using) and write this affirmation every day for the next week and write 1 to 3 things that you are grateful for. Do this daily! Gratitude up levels our emotions and helps us start a positive flow of thoughts and energy.
Congratulations you are here right now reading this, be proud that you made the choice to read this inspirational message that will help you create the life you have always dreamed of. I am so happy and grateful for YOU!
Focus on gratitude, and repeat this affirmation daily,
I am grateful for my life!
I am grateful you are here sur-THRIVER® Keep up the magnificent work!
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Until Next Time Peace, Love and Ciao for Now…. Rena