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“Your story was inspiring
and your delivery impactful.”

Clara Reynolds, 
President and CEO
Crisis Center Tampa Bay

“Your story was inspiring
and your delivery impactful.”

Clara Reynolds, LCSW, MBA
President and CEO – Crisis Center Tampa Bay

“Your story was inspiring
and your delivery impactful.”

Clara Reynolds, LCSW, MBA
President and CEO – Crisis Center Tampa Bay

Presentations for people who want to live their best lives

Keynote Motivational Speaker

Keynote Motivational Speaker Perfect for Fund Raising and Annual Events

“Adversity comes in many forms. Our past or present circumstances don’t define us, how we react and rise does. Implementing positive actions and attitudes will determine our happiness and success. The goal is to help people reconnect with their inner strengths, inspire them to ignite their talents so that they will bring their best self to life every day and thrive.

I know what it’s like to be stuck in negative thinking, unable to move forward and achieve your dreams. The shame of being a survivor of incest and sexual assault kept me from achieving the life I had always wanted to live for years. Until one eventful day, I had a complete shift in perspective of my painful past, transporting me from victim to surTHRIVER™.

As a keynote motivational speaker, I don’t share details of the abuse. I share details of the solutions that ignite and inspire audiences to create and live the life they choose to live.”

Keynote Motivational Speaker Rena Romano Inspires audiences to:

“We hired Rena for her positivity and perspective. We are humbled that the 2019 Faces of Change Luncheon on April 17 raised more funds for the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center than any luncheon in our 45-year history."
Kylie Eyre
Director of Events + Annual Fund, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

A Few Satisfied Clients

Powerful Keynote Motivational Speaker
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